Dear Colleagues,
As we close the chapter on 2024, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your steadfast support throughout a year that brought its share of challenges and achievements. Your partnership has been integral to our journey and success.
As the holiday season begins, we send our warmest wishes to you and your families. May your Christmas be filled with cheer, and may the New Year bring happiness, good health, and prosperity to your lives.
Drawing inspiration from the resilience we’ve embraced in Ukraine, we hope your homes remain safe, warm, and filled with the comforting presence of loved ones.
Thank you for being such an essential part of our story.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Warm regards from Translatel Team
Вже 8 рік поспіль компанія “Транслател” разом із партнерами – Центральноукраїнським державним університетом імені Володимира Винниченка та Національним технічним університетом України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського» проводить Літню школу перекладу – десятиденний інтенсив для студентів-перекладачів, покликаний озброїти юних фахівців знаннями та навичками, які полегшать їхню професійну інтеграцію.
26 школярів із пʼятнадцяти університетів України, а також понад півстотні вільних слухачів мали змогу послухати авторитетних доповідачів-термінологів: Уту Зеевальд-Хеег, Ондрея Матушку, Клауса Фляйшмана, Марка Чайлдресса, Ольгу Кочергу. Проблему штучного інтелекту в перекладі висвітлив Тарас Малкович. На двох закритих зустрічах (теоретичній і практичній) школярі мали змогу поспілкуватися із приводу юридичної термінології з представниками Генерального Директорату Європейської Комісії з питань перекладу Єгідіюсом Заікаускасом, Сігітою Станкевічіне і Тетяною Жарко.
Традиційною складовою ЛШП 2024 стало виконання реального перекладацького проєкту із особливим акцентом на термінології IT та індустрії лінгвістичних послуг.
Тішимось, що коло учнів і друзів ЛШП зростає; теми, які ми обговорюємо, – цікаві не лише юним перекладачам, а й досвідченим професіоналам. Дякуємо всім причетним! До нової ЛШП!
Dear colleagues and partners!
As we bid farewell to 2023, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support during a year marked by both challenges and triumphs. Your collaboration has been the cornerstone of our success.
As we embrace the holiday season, we extend warm wishes to you and your loved ones. May your Christmas be merry, and the New Year ahead be filled with joy and prosperity.
In the spirit of resilience we’ve learned in Ukraine, let homes be safe, warm, and resonant with the voices of loved ones.
Thank you for being an invaluable part of our journey. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Напередодні Дня Перекладача “Translatel” зустрівся з юними колегами – студентами освітньо-професійних програм “Філологія (Германські мови та літератури (переклад англійської та німецької мов включно))” першого (бакалаврського) та другого (магістерського) рівнів Центральноукраїнського державного університету. Ми пишаємось практично двадцятирічним досвідом співпраці, є найбільшою базою практики студентів у регіоні та пропонуємо унікальну можливість стажування з доведеною ефективністю як на українському, так і на міжнародному рівні.
Наші практиканти отримують не тільки фахові навички та досвід, але й проводять наукові дослідження, апробовують результати на виробництві і згодом використовують їх уже в якості перекладачів, редакторів або менеджерів у нашій компанії.
Під час зустрічі наш СEO, Олександр Бондаренко, поділився результати зіставного аналітичного дослідження працевлаштування випускників європейських та українських ЗВО, що готують перекладачів, окресливши основні тенденції розвитку ринку лінгвістичних послуг. Окремо зупинився на змінах у професійному профілі перекладачів, які вже є реальністю, а не майбутнім, визначив найбільш затребувані компетенції та навички на ринку лінгвістичних послуг. Неабиякий інтерес для студентства становили фінансові, юридичні та економічні питання, відповіді на які дозволять визначити свою професійну траєкторію, яка, сподіваємось, збігатиметься з нашею ))
Dear colleagues and clients!
In the face of challenges, Ukrainian translators display resilience and energy, building bridges across language barriers and nurturing cultural vibrancy.
Your efforts serve as the foundation for understanding in our intricate world. Thank you for your unwavering dedication!
Translatel – це завжди про інновації і молодь. Літня школа перекладу – один із наших проєктів, що реалізується компанією спільно з КПІ та ЦДУ, – підтвердження цьому. Цьогоріч – 20 наймотивованіших із майже двох десятків ЗВО України навчалися найтрендовішому у кращих. Багато чому встигли навчитися: основам проєктного менеджменту від нашої команди, основам краудсорсингового перекладу від Crowdin, постредагуванню машинного перекладу від TAUS, свідомому підходу до оцінки якості МП від Богдана Бабича. Вдячні школярам за довіру і проактивність, колегам – за відкритість і високий професіоналізм. Зростаймо разом!
Spring at Translatel is always about renewal: another team of smart, curious, ambitious interns (7 guys this year) from Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central State University.
The internship program was first developed in the 2020s, and has been under constant development ever since.
Our interns are given the opportunity to have meaningful work experience and maximize their potential. They pass through a rigorous and detailed review for the internship at each stage, learn about the inner-workings of the localization company and have a variety of responsibilities relating to their work.
Our managers are strong advocates for collaboration and sharing of data in all fields of intellectual endeavour so we regularly provide our feedback to translation programs all over Ukraine.
This year we express our gratitude to our academic partners for providing courses on translation technologies and basics of localization that give our interns more opportunities to gain experience in real localization projects.
There’s still a need for improving the curriculum (we recommend terminology courses, MTPE courses, service-oriented competences acquisition) and also for bureaucratic procedures related to the internship that should be developed to meet industry needs.
Welcome aboard, guys! Already miss our inters and wait for new linguists that see themselves in the industry, strive for professional development and are not afraid of challenges!
We’re still energized from being surrounded by the top peers and thought leaders of the translation and localization industry. We can’t thank you enough for the insightful conversations and great atmosphere from the event.
Thank you to amazing keynotes: David Siegel with clear instructions on how to be a bold and decisive leader and not succumb to fear, remove potential roadblocks before they become a problem, and Marco Trombetti with a talk on productivity in postediting and the challenges of building a user interface for interacting with natural language.
“The Redemption of the Irish Language: A Model for Languages of Limited Diffusion” talk by Caroline Crushell made us think of Ukrainian (as our main working language) on our way to EU, as well as about the challenges new status may bring to linguists.
“The Translator of the Future is a Copywriter” by Rinaldo Dieziger, Chris Hodgson, Soren Eberhardt and Francois Chartrand – a thought-provoking discussion on linguists’ added value.
Pleased to share common view on universal quality with Katerina Gasova and Jennifer Vela-Valido. Being focused good-old linguistic quality perfection our team is gradually shifting towards a user-centric quality concept.
As long-term advocates of industry-academy collaboration pleased to see the rise of awareness towards collaboration among GALA members. “A Common Machine Translation Post-Editing Handbook for GALA” is a product of the collective expertise, know-how, experience, knowledge, ideas, insight, inspiration, and intelligence of all the members of the MTPE Training SIG.
Grateful to everyone that joined our CEO’s talk “Your Secret Weapon in the War for Talent”. Hope you left with bright ideas for the future!
GALA has a strong focus on real life applications. This approach makes it truly unique and valuable. It was really very well planned and of course accompanied by a fantastic venue. Looking forward for next venue and next GALA.
Dear colleagues!
We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season! Let your homes are safe and warm and filled with voices of people you love – the basics we have learned to value here in Ukraine this year.
Dear peers! Congratulations on International Translation Day! We still build (and rebuild) bridges and our undying spirit to achieve the impossible is what makes us special. We are grateful for standing with Ukraine and Ukrainian translation and globalization community. Wishing all of us a prosperous and peaceful year!
As we approach the third month of Russian open intervention into Ukraine and have been involved into an active help to our citizens and army, that was where Translatel had to focus its energy and resources since February, 24.
In the early days of the war, Translatel struggled to establish a sustainable working process to meet our clients’ demands and contribute to our country’s economy. The measures taken by our team were unprecedented, but circumstances demanded them.
At the same time, Translatel continued its activity on informing translation and localization community about the state of things in our country through series of international online meetings with colleagues from academia and industry.
Following up upon this activity our CEO delivered the remarks on the past few months extremely challenging for our country and our team in a welcoming address from Ukraine to Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) conference on April. 25, 2022.
Our team provided a set of steps to help Ukriane at “Unconference: Help for Ukraine: How can the GALA community provide support?” We suggested remaining informed and be cautious about the information that’s spread on social media and news, donating money and providing linguistic support to refugees worldwide.
We really appreciate GALA consideration and attention to this matter and greatful for support and the courtesy the community extended to our country.
We are happy to announce that thanks to our dedicated team of employees, we have been ISO 17100 certified. We are hugely proud of the achievement and would like to thank the entire Translatel team, our clients and business partners for their involvement. We will continue to further improve our rigorous and effective quality management system and do our best to meet our clients’ expectations.
With this year coming to an end, we at Translatel send our best wishes to all friends and partners. As we step into another year, we wish you confidence and strength to accept new challenges and work further towards the goals. New Year means a new opportunity full of success and prosperity. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Translatel Ltd is strongly committed to meaningful, effective and informed stakeholder engagement in the design and implementation of Bachelor and Master degree programs in Philology. The meeting “Translation: Make your Diploma Great Again” was invigorating, both intellectually and emotionally. Enjoyed sharing our understanding with would-be translators and the teachers from the Department of Communicative linguistics and Translation at Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University.
День Учителя для нашої команди – це день партнерів і друзів. Тішимося великому колу однодумців в Україні та поза її межами, завдяки яким наша галузь зростає і міцніє, поповнюється розумними, фаховими перекладачами. Вдячні вам за довіру, людяність, відповідальність та професіоналізм!
Навчаймо! Навчаймося! Святкуймо разом!
Dear colleagues! Congratulations on International Translation Day! There is a human element, especially in dire situations, that can best be delivered by a person. Continue to climb new heights with your hard work, zeal and commitment but still stay human! Until we lose our own humanity, machines will never completely replace us!
As a proud co-organiser of Translation Summer School, Translatel is excited to help spread the message about the coming meeting with highly qualified and experienced translators and interpreters Andriy Besedin, Oleksandra Komarova, Vitaly Parfenyuk and Viktor Belynsky who will share their insights on how to master specific domains. Please register at and join us Friday, 1 October 2021 18:00-20:00 (Kyiv time).
Meet Translatel team at UTICamp-2021 (23-24 July 2021) and join our talk on qualifying machine translation in a production process.
Oleksandr Bondarenko and Oleksii Kaliuzhnnyi will offer a brief review of some of the preliminary findings of a two-year project of configuring MT engines that they have been personally involved in.The talk sheds more light on how MT customizing can influence the translation quality in popular language pairs. The speakers will focus on a workflow, do’s and don’ts, as well as on strategies to reduce time and efforts required for post-editing. Human MT evaluation statistics will also be provided to better forecast the MT leverage for the definite projects. The speakers will suggest a framework to acquire MT-engines literacy that can bring maximum effect with little cost and little time. The case study can be instructive both for companies’ executives and for freelancers.
At Translatel we are interested in connecting Ukrainian students and industry newbies with real life and providing them with valuable business and practical experience. As co-organizers, we invite you to Translation Summer School 2021 (22-30 Jun 2021) to get a feeling of how business is done. We are extremely proud to present the final program with amazing speakers interested in educating the future of our industry!
Following the success in 2018-2020, we at Translatel Ltd are delighted to announce that the Translation Summer School, co-organised by our company, returns in 2021, June 21 -30. Aimed at students of translation departments who want to explore the world of linguistic services, Translation Summer School offers the opportunity to learn from the leading professional translators and interpreters. The deadline for applications is 15 May 2021. The applicants are expected to write an essay, a motivation letter and pass a small test. Candidates enrolled in Ukrainian universities are invited to apply at Translation Summer School.
We at Translatel Ltd are excited to participate in the upcoming “The Educator Experience” talk with with guest speakers Max Troyer (Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey), Uta Seewalk-Heeg (Anhalt University of Applied Sciences), and Gary Massey (Zurich University of Applied Sciences) on 09 March organized by GALA Global Talent SIG. Please join the event to build closer links between business and academia, encourage the exchange and sharing of knowledge, create long-term partnerships and opportunities, drive innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity.
Translatel is happy to contribute to GALA Global Talent Initiative (an international platform to bring together stakeholders in academia and the industry to address the challenges and share resources to help prepare students and young professionals for successful careers in the global language industry) and invite all key stakeholders and interested parties to “The Student Experience” panel on February 9th, 08:00 AM to 09:00 AM PST.
Please, join Translatel Tue, 12 January 2021 08:00 at The Global Talent SIG kick-off initiated by GALA to bring together stakeholders in academia and the industry to address the challenges and share resources to help prepare students and young professionals for successful careers in the global language industry.
Translation Summer School is back for the 3th year and we at Translatel are proud to co-organize its new round with Jorge Diaz Cintas, professor of Translation Studies and founder director of the Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS) at University College London, an excellent linguist who puts tremendous energy and enthusiasm into any project he is involved in.
The webinar on January 20, 2021, 17:00 CEST will start with a presentation of the main developments and the multimodal specificities that set audiovisual material apart from other types of texts. The participants will participate in a discussion on the main conceptual, thematic and methodological perspectives that best characterize the AVT studies.
The workshop on January 21, 2021 17:00 CEST will teach you the practicalities of implementing AVT in your professional lives.
To participate please register.
Translatel encourages you to join free TranslAcademy webinar, co-initiated by our team, for a conversation with Barbara Moser-Mercer, professor emerita and founder of InZone (University of Geneva), visiting professor at University of Nairobi on January 14 at 17.00 CEST.
Barbara is engaged in strengthening African solutions to higher education in emergencies. Following her initial training as a conference interpreter she pursued her studies in psycholinguistics and cognitive psychology. Her research has focused on the development of expertise in complex cognitive skills of bilinguals, both from a cognitive psychology and a cognitive neuro-science perspective. These findings have been instrumental in informing the design and the development of student-centered multilingual digital learning environments in fragile contexts, which she has leveraged across several refugee camps in Africa and the Middle East. The webinar will include a presentation by the speaker as well as an opportunity for questions and discussion. Please follow the link to register for the webinar.
Команда Translatel щиро тішиться можливістю сприяти якісним змінам у володінні рідною мовою в кооперації з надійними партнерами: Літня школа перекладу, DAAD Ukraine та КПІ імені Ігоря Сікорського. З радістю ділимося записом першої частини тренінгу “Українська «як треба»: практикум для перекладачів” і чекаємо на наступні зустрічі.
Дороге студентство!
Ваші студентські роки – часи не лише обмежень, але й неймовірних можливостей. Translatel вітає вас із вашим професійним днем і готовий надалі допомагати стати на крило. Ростіть! Вчіться! Летіть високо!
Translatel welcomes all at a virtual class in transcreation with Nina Sattler-Hovda at Translation Summer School 2020 co-initiated by our company.
At the webinar you’ll know all about transcreation, how to get it right and how to teach it. The speaker will highlight the difference between translation and transcreation and share the insights including common pitfalls. The event is supported by The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
To join us, please register at
Translatel’s team sends congratulations to all peers and partners on International Translation Day! Communication and helping people drive us at the core. We all work toward fulfilling the hunger for that passion. What is most important in life is that we enjoy the fruits of our labor. We wish you the best in your careers! Take your time to fulfilling your goals, your passions and assurance of your success!
Remaining intentional and active now can turn downtime into a strong network when our community convenes once again. Translatel team is looking forward to join the live debates and networking sessions to meet connections that best align with our interests, skills and values at GALA Connected 2020.
Meet us at the panel “Industry Collaboration for Future Ready Talent” to discuss spotlight trends, approaches and gaps.
Translatel is happy to share new cutting-edge recording from Translation Summer School, backed up by our team. Meet Andriy Poznyakhovskyi from “Crowdin” (a cloud-based solution that streamlines localization management for your team) for keeping current with the new reality.
Dear students, colleagues, graduates – all translation education community!
Translatel team would like to extend our best wishes to you all on the beginning g of the New Academic year. Let it be amazing and bring new knowledge and discoveries
We would like to wish creative, responsible approach to translation studies and interesting, passionate, inspiring peers, ready to study in and outside the classroom.
Remember that Translatel is the place which you can always approach for new knowledge, ideas and projects, as well as that here you can share your professional experience.
We wish you all a Very Happy New Academic Year!
Translatel felt honoured and privileged to participate “Round Table on Business: Calculating costs properly – Something that everybody talks about, but very few know the solution…” at UTICamp-2020 and share its experience focusing on the right balance between the pandemic restrictions and the new challenges and benefits.
Sorry, this entry is only available in English.
There are various challenges translation companies face these days. It occurs globally that one of the biggest problems is native language proficiency. In order to help the industry with the most needed skills, Translatel is happy to share the recording of the amazing talk by Serhiy Sarzhevskyi given at Translation Summer School backed up by our company
Meet Translatel team at Translation Summer School 2020! Our CEO Oleksandr Bondarenko speaking on management, quality and PEMT. Our reviewers Natalka Diachenko and Oleksandra Burdeina – on the good, the bad and the ugly of reviewing. Join us at
Our Translation Summer School 2020 is out and juicier than ever! Looking forward to welcoming our speakers and to discussing the hottest topics in the translation industry together with Ukraine’s best and strongest alumni.
Partnerships can play a big part in helping businesses grow. Translatel is very glad to support and promote Translation Summer School and share the recording of the webinar with Uta Seewald-Heeg – Professor of computational linguistics and software localization at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
By creating the right partnerships, Translatel have achieved great things and we’re proud to work with all TranslAcademy partners to deliver the very best teaching practices for training translators.
We welcome you to TranslAcademy free webinar on May 26 at 17.00 CEST with a renowned scholar, humour researcher Delia Chiaro.
Please follow the link to register for the webinar:
We at Translatel have been pioneers in the Ukrainian localization industry since the 1990s. We’ re really proud to partner Translation Summer School’s tight-knit team that’s passionate about growing the younger translators and localizers.
We are pleased to invite you to join us for the webinar with Uta Seewald-Heeg – Professor of computational linguistics and software localization at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences.In the webinar, you will gain insights in principles of localization, workflow processes and tools that allow efficient localization processes.
Join us on May 7 from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm to get some on-line interaction in this social-distancing era! Please, register at
Translatel continues adjusting to new workspaces and finding joy in little things. This turbulent period may have you feeling sentimental of how lucky you were able to attend a school, despite the current circumstances. As a proud co-organizer of Translation Summer School, we are glad to share the recording of our last webinar with Oleh Kolesnikov with insight into audiovisual translation:
Translation, localization and mentoring at Translatel have now moved online! The transition has been exciting, successful, challenging. Check out our internship flashback from the pre-quarantine days.
If an internship is about fetching coffee for someone else, it’s definitely not Translatel’s case. Our “Enter Intern” strategy suggests the key takeaways that a student gets upon completion of the internship. Our interns don’t just sit back and witness a company at work. Instead, they do real tasks in a real-world environment. Translatel encourages all peers to give students the opportunity to get insight into localization industry, to shadow your employees and to make the right choices regarding future career options. The benefits are invaluable!
Looking forward to new interns, expanding of our team and growing together!
Social distancing doesn’t mean you have to lock yourself away from the rest of the world. Детальніше
This year’s GALA conference promises to be spectacular, both in and out of the conference room. Детальніше
Effective stakeholder engagement is a cornerstone to achieving sustainable academy development, fundamental to attaining the education goals. Детальніше
Being technologically literate is a valuable skill that is sought after by many employers. Детальніше
2019 is about to end. Translatel team is so grateful that we had such an exciting, wonderful, amazing, thrilling – to say it short – “awesome” year. We would like to say thanks from the heart to our clients, partners and friends. Let all the HandOffs be accurate, complete and go totally smoothly. Happy Christmas and a merry New Year to all!
Last week, German Philology and Translation Department, Institute of Philology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv welcomed Oleksandr Bondarenko, CEO at Translatel Ltd, who provided tips to translation students on how to succeed in a competitive market. Детальніше