Traduttore but not traditore

Translation Summer School 2024

For the 8th year in a row, the company “Translatel” together with its partners – Central Ukrainian State University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko and National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” is conducting the Translation Summer School – a ten-day intensive course for translation students, designed to equip young professionals with the knowledge and skills that will facilitate their professional integration.
26 students from fifteen universities in Ukraine, as well as more than fifty free listeners, had the opportunity to listen to authoritative terminologist speakers: Uta Zeevald-Heeg, Ondrej Matuska, Klaus Fleischmann, Mark Childress, Olga Kocherha. The problem of artificial intelligence in translation was highlighted by Taras Malkovych. In two closed meetings (theoretical and practical), students had the opportunity to discuss legal terminology with representatives of the Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission – Egidijus Zaikauskas, Sigita Stankevičienė, and Tetiana Zharko.
A key element of Translation Summer School 2024 was a practical translation project, emphasizing IT and the linguistic services industry terminology.
We are pleased that the circle of Translation Summer School students and friends is growing; the topics we discuss are interesting not only to young translators but also to experienced professionals. Thanks to everyone involved! See you at the next Translation Summer School!